What is a “Statement of Values”?

Are you insured to value?

With rising costs, we are finding more and more companies are underinsured or not insured to value.  A Statement of Values helps maintain understanding X.  Many carriers require a Statement of Values to be on file in the event of a loss.  Have you filled out a Statement of Values recently?  Ever?

At Safe Harbor Insurance Advisors making sure our clients have a current Statement of Values is part of our annual process.   

Request a Statement of Values template HERE.

If you have emailed a request for a Statement of Values, you should receive it within 24 hours.  Please let us know if you do not receive it.   Please be sure to watch the video message below from Lawson Condell, founder of Safe Harbor Insurance Advisors about the importance of a Statement of Values in your business.  

YouTube video

Safe Harbor Insurance Advisors is here to help.

If you have clicked on this link because you have never heard of a Statement of Values before you are not alone. Most companies in the state of South Carolina have never completed a Statement of Values. The form may appear daunting. Don’t be intimidated. A Statement of Values is actually very easy to complete and even easier to maintain annually after you have gone through the exercise.

Please complete the form below for a quote.

Request Your Proposal Here

Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Safe Harbor Insurance Advisors is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!